March Full Moon Hash

Hares: Hooter Bill, Pimp Doggy Dog, Roller Balls

Roughly 28 hashers showed up for the Full Moon run last night. I’m sure that the fact that the weather conditions were perfect and the hares had promised a reasonable length trail, improved the turnout. Roller Balls and Hooter Bill laid the live trail, while Pimp Doggie Dog and Cumoniwannalaya performed shag duties. Most of the runners finished the 4.36 mile trail in an hour or less, although Heartache and Roadkill came in a little later. Heartache said his GPS showed about 8 miles. Only 2 hashers failed to make it to the end.

The hares used colored flour to try to distinguish their trail from Sunday’s trail. There were a few locations where the hares had converted old checks into arrows so as not to confuse the two trails. But if you ever got off trail, you might get really confused by the two sets of marks.
There was a beer check at The Usual bar about halfway through the run. The regulars there thought we were marathoners, so they gave us a lot of adoring praise. No one had the heart to tell them who we really were.

Later, Pull the Plug, Juices Flowing, and Ass Grabber were running together when they heard, what they thought were gun shots, which caused them to pick up the pace. Carpet Burns lived up to her name by tripping on trail and getting sidewalk burns on her elbow.

Krusty Kreme did a nice job as RA. He seemed right at home in the circle. I have to think that he would be a good candidate for future RA. And hash erections are only a few months away! The hares provided Pabst Blue Ribbon and Lonestar beer for down-downs except, of course, for Hooter who was drinking Keystone Light.

I really liked the ending location next to the railroad tracks that crossed the Old Hempstead Hwy north of Interstate 10. The location was secluded and quite, except for the noise of the trains. The full moon kept playing peek-a-boo through the clouds which gave the location a sort of surreal feeling.

Full Moon Hares picked for April will be Dumpter Digger, Juices Flowing, and Carpet Burns.

The On-on-on was at The Usual bar across the street from the starting location. Lonestar cans were only $1.00, so you good go all out and buy your friends a beer.

Pull the Plug