Dec. 29th, 1996/Run # 934 Hares:Cadaver Diver & Pete Dickson

The hares decided it was going to be a low shiggy run, so they started us off very close to downtown. It was a warm and sunny day so we were all hot to trot. Many of us had high expectations for this trail, and we weren't disappointed -- it was loooonnnnnggg and hard.

We had an unexpected visitor from Jakarta, the infamous "THE". He was back for just one more run, I guess hashing in the jungles and rice patties just couldn't compare to Houston's rugged terrain. Maybe "BUFFALO BOB" who's heading for Trinidad, will be back soon also, having found the swamps and beaches are just too soft for a seasoned Houston Hasher. The pack was gathered in the remote confines of Woodland Park near Houston Avenue and White Oak Bayou on the near north side of the city. The hares, clever devils that they were, ran us immediately across I-45 to the east keeping to the concrete and totally avoiding even the mild shiggy along White Oak Bayou. After winding around the trecherous city streets and sidewalks near Fulton, the hares headed the pack south toward the dense wilds of downtown.

A truely tricky trail, only two checks were in evidence in the first 20 minutes of the "two" hour trail. The trail ran down the Elysian highway, and over the bridge --which felt like the bridge to nowhere --(about 3.8 miles of nowhere). The hounds stuck in mid air were starting to get light headed (and Bored), thoughts of bailing over the guard rail and shimmying down spindly trees into the swamp waded through their heads. This is one hash that greatly rewarded the DFL'S -- because, while lagging way behind the pack, the DFL'S spotted the ON HOME from the bridge! The FRB's lucky bastards that they were, ran an extra 4 miles or so -- while the industrious DFL'S short cut straight in to the ON HOME.

When the rest of the pack came in they were too exhausted to bitch. The circle up began with our illustrious DICKHEAD calling to the weary hounds. The trail was judged and the hares annointed with holy piss. RALPH was rebooted, and THE was welcumed back.

Then came the SET-UP. CADAVER DIVER called Pete Dickson into the circle with a cute accusation about him whining about his shoes shrinking over night and becoming way too small. Seems Pete had mistakenly grabbed GEEK'S shoes when leaving ESTRUS' hot tub the night before. DICKHEAD forced Pete to his knees to drink his down-down. Just as he began to drink --TOM SWIFT crept up from behind and deposited an entire bag of flour on his head! ( He was a virgin hare--in case you wondered ). All you could see was Pete's eyeballs -- the flour stuck to his face and became a mask -- making him look like the "Adominable Snowman", which promoted his new hash name "YETI".

When the circle up broke up--the pack went ON ON ON at the Brewery Tap in the heart of downtown.