RUN # 1013

June 8, 1998

Hares: Roller Balls, Bush Snapper, and Swamp Rat

Another Hash with a purpose this one to entice those who haven’t hashed in a while to cum back out. And how do you do that? You charge an extra buck, make it a live-hare run, boil up some mudbugs, arrange for an acid-jazz freak band, and most importantly -advertise it as the Reboot Reunion Run.
Apparently this scheme works with nearly 30 reboots showing for the run.
The start:
The run started in a strip mall parking lot near 290 and west 34th. The large number of reboots was apparent at this point what with all the strange ( I mean unfamiliar) faces who were obviously not new boots because they all treated Hooter Bill like a long lost friend. Roller Balls and Bush Snapper (I didn’t see Letch) eventually left and the clock was ticking as the hounds began salivating and stretching their hamstrings.
The Run:
Fifteen minutes later the hungry, angry hounds were in high-speed pursuit. The trail meandered south of 290 through lower class neighborhoods, cemented bayous, and I remember a small park. Fairly early in the run as the FRB’s were running along one of the bayous Pipes suddenly appeared out of a algae-filled drainage pipe with a certain look of excitement in his eyes as he had nabbed Letch hiding from the hounds. Then chaos ensued as the trail seemed to end and Letch would do nothing but sit on a rail road tie with a sack of flour in his hand like a hobo who was looking for the first train out of town. Eventually chaos was replaced by order as the " ON-ON " rang out in the distance. The other hares managed to steer clear of the hounds and finished the run at the parking lot of Sound Check a music studio/ band practice facility owned by Swamp Rat ("Hey Man…Let’s get the band back together"). By the way, It was hot!
The On-Home:
There were two kegs of piss and the usual munchies and conversation as the reboots rehearsed their excuses for not hashing. Eventually Boy George gave the call for the circle and then it was apparent how large the turnout was. The circle was large and noisy making it very difficult to hear what was going on. There was some crazy newboot showing her tits; I don’t remember her name just that she was not shy and seemed friendly particularly to PP; she’ll make a fine Harriet. The serving of the mudbugs shortened the barrage of lame accusations. I decided to wait out the line which turned out to be a mistake as the crawdad supplies had dwindle to nothing; so I ended up scrounging around looking for people who had more than their share of Daddy’s. Hooter Bill had no idea how to eat crawfish and had the glazed look of amazement as it was explained to him. The large crowd depleted the two kegs pretty quickly and this caused the hares scurry off to get another.
The On-On-On:
Happened to be at the same place as the On-Home. Swamp Rat encouraged people to go inside to give band a warm reception. This was one weird band; the singer was a chubby guy dressed in a colored rain suit and the music was even stranger-sounded like eclectic acid-jazz (strange dude!) If they had mushroom tea maybe I could have gotten into it.

The end:

Thanks to the Hares for servin’ up somethin’ different.

Limp Noodle