Baby Crap Run

Date: 12-27-98

Run # 1042

Hares: Baby Huey & Saran Crap

Scribe: Limp Noodle

The Start:

This much-anticipated run featuring the return of Baby Huey to his mother hash started in the Walgreen’s parking lot at Westiemer and Sage. While the hares were preparing themselves for the live-hare adventure, the hounds amused themselves with Nippstick’s pictures from Baby Huey and Limp Noodle’s Christmas party. The Hares got a 10 minute head start with the pack leaving around 3:30. The weather conditions were overcast and comfortably numb (I mean warm).

The Run:

The trail headed south from the start skirting between a couple of buildings and some fencing (at about a Geek and a half width) lining out the hounds. Trail then coursed down into a parking garage with a significant drop in temperature…..and so on… In general, the trail meandered through the Post Oak area heading towards Buffalo Bayou and Memorial Park, which was no surprise (we knew these hares would have some shiggy in store). I parted ways with the pack at a check behind the shopping mall construction area just west of 610 loop. Instead of backtracking I decided to range with The Worm That Turns eventually running into P.P. at 610. We ran 610 to Woodway and saw no flour. I decided to get up and do my own thing, heading through the break in the fence and road that leads to the old archery range where we have finished runs before…… nothing. Determined not to back track I bushwacked to Buffalo Bayou and followed the it’s banks back to 610 completing a self-inflicted circle jerk. Rear Layer was standing on the overpass with arms stretched-out…..still nothing. I crossed under the overpass, then up to ground level of the 610 feeder and found some of the pack searching off a check. It was here that I learned what I had missed:

Today’s Special: Bloated Nutria smothered in lime sauce…..

To coin a phrase, I ran trail where trail should have been. Most everybody else followed trail crossing 610 through a candle-lighted tunnel complete with a dead, bloated nutria for scenic effect (boy the hash just loves dead animals). At first I was sorry I missed it. I also noticed that some people had some white stuff smeared on their legs but I didn’t think much of it at the time (it turned out to concentrated lime dumped from the construction site which explained the fate of the nutria). A check after the tunnel split the pack; some following the Bayou on the south side and some on the north. Both groups were headed east towards……….




…….Anybody ever heard of the Full Moon Parking Lot (FMPL) ?…….

Boy George was really crying FMPL when the south pack crossed the bayou. Reverse psychology was working on me because I thought it would be too obvious and it was sure to rain (no shelter there). We were just about headed there when on-on was called heading back to the south side of the bayou across RR tracks. So the north side pack got to test temp. of the bayou (I’d say about 65 Deg.—Burrr) and the south-siders for a second time eventually running Hochi Min back to you know were.

The On Home:

FMPL. In the rain…talking trail….many short-cutters….eating some chips and shit….looking at Baby Huey’s skinless toes….the rain let up…the circle was good….Dick the Boy Wonder and Pinball showing their privates….Me having to drink for lame accusations (I KNOW ROLLER,"IT’S ALL IN THE DELIVERY") and happenings at Friday’s party….that’s all I remember.

The On On On:

Fucked up! We got to Bubba’s and it was closed. Most went Hickory Hollow in the Heights. A small schism went to Kenelly’s. High Maintenance attracted a stalker in Bubbas who followed her to the barbecue joint. He was asked (or told) to leave.

Closing remarks:

It was a good trail (thanks hares) although many people didn’t run it all. The lime burned the shit out of a lot of peoples feet (especially those who ran the tunnel but didn’t swim the bayou to wash it off). Oh well, add it to this year’s list of injuries.