It was colder than a witch's mammillary protuberance. We were to meet under HiWay 225 near Shaver in beautiful Pasadena, a venue the Hash almost never visits. As a good sized crowd nearly froze in the high winds “Ball Grabber” and “Lube Job” set out with a 10+ minute head start to do their usual fine job of live haring. We were to follow Vince Bayou through a park and beyond until we began to encounter crouched and camouflaged GI Joe types staked out in the trees with paint ball guns. Quite a surprise when you first run into one and even more amazing that testosterone could flow in weather that cold. 

Soon after that, the Hash got hung up at a check when it refused to believe that trail didn't necessarily have to follow the bayou. Checking both sides of the street would have solved the check quicker but the pack included more than a few check watchers. After zigzagging through a Pasadena blue collar neighborhood we found ourselves on a picturesque mountain of well-greened ship channel dredge. Short cutters and FRBs came together (and simultaneously too!) at the water check and it was back into some additional neighborhood action. The locals there all seemed to have only one barber, probably the same one Hog uses (not really) for that just skinned look. 

The ending was next to a bridge crossing the bayou with the capable “Grind Slut” as acting religious advisor. Everyone had been able to stay dry except “Mudpacker” who was approaching ultimate FRB'dom from the wrong side of the bayou. Upon seeing that “Ass Grabber” was already crossing the bridge overhead, he swam the bayou and was first to touch the cooler in a hideous display of racing behavior. Naturally his down-downs were on his freezing knees. The first group of hounds arrived in probably 50 minutes with “Ball Grabber” waiting for us for about 10 minutes. The rest of the pack continued to arrive for another 20 minutes or so. The general consensus gave the hares high marks for another trail well laid. “Damaged Goods”, a transient Hasher from Boston-(New York?) will be with us for about a month. Steve brought 3 new boots out that will hopefully try us again in better weather. They seemed amused enough. Their names however have evaporated in! the haze brought on by the excellent swill “Lube Job” procured from Brew U. It was a relatively short circle with the usual mix of hilarity.

The 2nd keg was never tapped so that we could move on to the warmer On On On. Not even the hares knew the name of the place but their sign said it all, "Pool Beer Ice." Attendance was quite good including wankers “Smelly Trench” and “Sticky Lips” who joined us via the maps at the start. It was a good sized place on or near HiWay 3 , south of 225 with aggressively tolerant locals. We had to be a pleasant surprise since they didn't know we were cumming. They took us in stride and the beer flowed. ...and it was GOOD!  ON-ON “Bush Snapper”



    On Up!