Hash #1695 Campbell Family Run

McP = Black
Le PC = Yellow
PP = Green
Click red magnifying glass to enlarge:

Legend:McP = BlackLe PC = YellowPP = GreenDumpsterDigger=PurpleClick red magnifying glass to enlarge:Hash Trash #1695


Campbell Family Run

Hares: Dick-rectionally Challenged, capsule Horsefli Drive-Bi and Spin Cycle

3 hares

98 hounds including 23 virgins

Maybe this should have been called the New Boot Run, symptoms or the Campbell Family Picnic?  What a wonderful day for a hash run! The Campbell’s put on a most  excellent hash. They started us at a familiar area, prostate I-45 south to Fairmont Parkway. We met in a parking lot near a Ci-Ci Pizza. McPisser distributed the ballots for our second round of voting for the trail of the quarter. A worker from Ci-Ci came out to the parking lot to give us coupons for the end of the run. Unless Ci-Ci’s serves beer,  we are not interested.

The hares gave chalk talk, focused on the many new boots. Two water checks, a beer check and a turkey-eagle split were advertised. On a hot sunny day, those checks were all very welcome. With a “point” and an “on-on”, the pack was off.

There was a small amount of pavement at the start, but we just knew that there was plenty of “shiggy to come”, after all the hares advertised a 70% shiggy run!  One of our first obstacles was a fence. What used to be an upright piece of fence soon was toppled over by the time the back of the pack crossed. This led us to an abandoned hotel. Hope we did not lose any hashers along the way! Some chose to cross another fence, but others found a way around.  This led us to a green area. There was an ankle deep grassy area that we continued on for a while. We ran through some small shiggy areas, green belts along a bayou and then passed by a community college.

As we passed the tennis courts of the school, we get the usual “what are you running for”, and our first answer was “fun”, then we decided to chime in and say “for beer”. Of course, the enthusiastic reply, “that’s what I am talking about”.  Yeah, that led us to our first water check; a fountain at the school, near the tennis courts.

Trail continued through the school parking lot and through a subdivision. Where is the shiggy? We kept on going, hoping for shade. Subdivision roads and sidewalks led us to the beer check! Yeah! We were welcomed by Spin cycle, Nappy Headed Homo and a friend with a cool blast from a “super soaker”. I think that felt better than it ever did when I was a kid.  The cool blast of water was wonderful, and the beer was yummy!

Trail continued under a bridge, along a concrete ditch, past a Wal-mart, behind a cemetery, and along a drainage ditch.  Shade? Shiggy?  It did not matter because at the end there was our paradise.  Beer, swimming pool, BBQ. I thought I had died and gone to heaven and it is called “The Campbell’s back yard”. Thanks to Dickrectionally challenged and June for offering their home up to us for the afternoon.

It took a little while for all of the hashers to make it in.  We ate hamburgers and hot dogs (thanks Campbells) and drank from the two kegs of beer. With 101 hashers, we piled as many as would fit in the above ground pool, stacked others on the deck, while others circled around the outside of the pool. I imagine the sides of the pool now have a new shade of yellow, thanks to the guys.  A deck intended for about 12 people must have had at least 30 on it at some point of the day. The pool was surely not made for 50 hashers and one Butt-Pirate belly flop.

The RAs decided to conduct circle in the pool. Amazingly, we had 23 virgins to meet. But before the RA’s could get to accusations, we ran out of beer! What? You have to be kidding me?  A hare ran out and picked up several cases of canned beer. Ohhh, we were happy again. Best/Worst trails of the quarter were announced. Best went to “Pimp my Pool” and worst had something to do with Dick-Assley.

Pearl Necklace had to do a down-down out of a shoe(sandal). A male new boot had to do a down-down for giggling. Usual silliness availed.  When circle ended, a “king of the mountain” water fight broke out in the pool between lady hashers riding on male hashers’ shoulders.

Frolicking continued on-on-on to a bar.

On-on to the f&cking Tourettes  run next week.

Old Faithful