Run Name: Catholic Guilt VI
Run Number: 703
Date: October 17, 1992
Hares: Will-He Peter, Digital Input, Pussy Tosser, Cocker
Scribe: Baby Huey

"A Bad Year for Catholicism"

The Catholic Guilt Run began at Superior Waterbeds on the North Freeway near Aldine-Bender at 3pm (not Noon). The hares arrived in authentic priests cassocks (possibly graduation gowns). Will-He Peter commented on Madonna, Sinead O'connor and alter boy molestation. He then departed with Pussy Tosser to get the kegs (it seems that Hooter Bill had waited a month to return the kegs from the 696 and had in the process put the Hash on the Fiesta keg blacklist). Shortly thereafter, Cocker and Digital Input gave the usual instructions and pointed the anxious hounds north.

Blood and Confusion

The pack headed north, quickly finding trail, and almost as quickly losing it again. True trail was eventually found on the other side of the Freeway and once again the pack was off. Flour led us east through a locked but easily bypassable gate into what I think was a concrete mixing plant . A hidden arrow directed the pack into a thorn jungle that high socks could do little to combat (if you ever need to dispose of a dead body close to town, this is the place). Bleeding but undaunted, the hares emerged from the brambles and found the first of two (yes two) water checks. Woods ... roads ... Run Run Run ... more woods ... more roads ... water check number two. After the second water check we eventually made our way to a bayou crossing, where Christine was startled by a snake that was "thicker than my boyfriend's schlong". Run Run Run ... On Home - in of all places - a dead end street.

Partial Frontal Nudity

The trail was liked by all, and the hares escaped the circle dry. Will He Peter announces plans for Catholic Guilt VII, at which everyone brings their own bag of flour, takes off laying trail, follows their own trail back to the cars, and goes home.

Cocker showed off a black and blue left tit to the circle. I don't remember what her explanation was, but I think it had something to do with farm animals.

There were five new boots on this run (three masturbators and a couple of lesbians), and lots of visitors: Athelete's Mouth, Overnight Delivery, Tumbleweed, Thump-thump, Dainty, Faulty Equipment and Hash Flash (who after claiming visitor status for several months to avoid having to walk to the keg, is finally going back to Nicaragua).

Reboot Scum Puppy was welcomed back to the Houston Hash after an extended stay in Algiers. Following his down down, he and Glass Blower headed off to the woods to talk.

Roller Balls makes a worthy accusation: It seems that Grind Slut and Bone Snatcher were both doing a duathalon Sunday morning. Grind left the previous night's Space City On On On early so that he could mentally prepare for the race the following day (he went home to masturbate). Bone Snatcher hung with Space City until the wee hours. The next morning with the finish line in sight she hurled. Bone Snatcher is excused, Grind Slut does a down down.

Beans, Beans the Magical Fruit

The hares were treated to lots of cold beer, and good food. On a day that had already brought us two water checks (we're not worthy), the hares prepared not five, not ten, but yes, fifteen bean soup. This number was verified by Glass Blower, who laid out and labeled all fifteen beans on the road. Grind slut then ate the beans. Co-Tex introduces the Hash to what can best be described as a very tall rat.