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Hash Trash Run #1688
Lesson Plan: 11-JUL-10
Subject: Hare U – Class II
Attendance: 6 new Boots,1 Visitor, 2 Hare U students ,1 hare-structor, 97 regular hashers, one dead body.
Objective: The on-sec will re-count the tales and trials of the Hare U Class II.
Activities planned: Drinking, Running, Drinking, Singing, Drinking.
Introduction: This hasher loves it when we hash inside the loop. I am especially happy for a Memorial Park area start. The instructor for Hare University II is truly wise. There is so much to explore in the trails. Hooter and the Reverend had that chance to explore and have the “find of the decade”. More of that in a moment.
Main Activities: The day started off with a pre-lube at Canyon Creek, just one block from Memorial Park. The World Cup was on, so hashers started meeting up at 1:30 for a pre-hash warm up, drinking practice. The bar offered a good viewing of the match, and some excellent beer. In overtime, Spain scored the winning goal! They must have planned it just for us. Game over, hash time begins.
The start of the hash was at the footbridge at Memorial Park, next to the Full Moon parking lot. Extra Testicle, one of the Hash U students, gave the chalk talk. In honor of Spain winning the World Cup, Dangleberry decided to run in his man-briefs. Funny thing though, no one seemed too surprised. I guess when you have seen Dangle do naked rock throwing, you have seen it all.
The trail led us over the footbridge, then through the trails of Memorial. Trail was marked well with plenty of flour. Usual marks were used; checks, falses ,& backchecks. A little mud, a little dirt trail, a little off trail, underpasses, horse trails, mosquitoes and was that poison ivy?? Thank you for the turkey-eagle split! The hares planned it perfect. The turkeys, eagles, and walkers came in close to the same time. Some shade at the end of the Rugby field as an ending was excellent! Good job Hare U professor!
I heard rumor of trail length being about 3.5 miles, but it all depended on the trail you chose. Two yummy kegs of Lone Star awaited us thirsty hashers. Regular hash snacks were provided.
Circle up was at the end of the rugby field. We did not seem to bother the rugby players on the field and they did not bother us, other than an occasional stray ball. Just as we started the circle, police cars showed up. We had to tame our usual hash enthusiasm for song. The police were looking for Hooter Bill, what did he do now? Ball Barker told the circle that the reason the police were there was because a hasher found a body on trail. The police did not stay long and we were able to continue with circle, although missing Hooter. Slowly, we heard more of how Hooter Bill and The Reverend came across a body. Hooter somehow got off trail and The Reverend was with him. Most of the details came out at the bar later.
The two Hash U graduates, Just Bjoern and ET were called into the circle and were awarded their diplomas . Then comes the de-flouring as virgin hares, a cloud of white dust!
What’s that? Coney is back . And Coney found his use around the circle for the talkative hashers (that got caught). C3P holes and Spot on the Mat were two of the hashers that felt Coney’s wrath.
We had three naming in circle, the first was just Hope. Hope and Blonde Bitch, her husband, had not hashed in two years. She was a definite re-boot . Hope ran in the circle to braid Rain Bitch’s hair. She must have felt made her too hot. The braid was tied up, so Tighter Bitch was agreed upon. On her knees! See what happens when you show up at the hash?
The second naming was for Bjoern. He laid a “happy face” on trail. So Happy Trail was suggested. It was not won over by the hash immediately, until someone with an urban dictionary explained Happy Trail to the circle, and then we loved it! Happy Trail it is!
The third naming was for Just Brian. Brian helped with the Hash/St Arnold Bayou clean up the day before. It was told that he got covered in debris at the clean up, and he was so filthy that he looked infested. Infested – perfect. (click pic to enlarge, trash continued below)
There were a couple more potential namings, but they got tabled. Maybe next week?
NARC was called into the circle for representing the Houston Hash at the World Interhash in Kuching.
Two kegs empty, time to move on. McPisser announced the on-on-on was to be at Canyon Creek, the same place that we had the pre-lube. And better yet, he had wristbands for us to get $2.00 St. Arnold beer. The bar was much less crowded than when we were there earlier in the day. Hooter filled in some details of the dead body that he came across on trail. Although the Hash title for the run was Hare U- Class II, I expect this to forever be referred to as the day the hash found a dead body on trail. I suppose that the hares will have to live with that!
Expected Outcome: The hash will enjoy a trail, beer and hash frivolity.
Future Planning: On-On to Fiestavus!