Date: Sunday September 19, 2010
Hares: McPisser and Grind Slut
Quote of the Run: “Just spray it on me”
***Mad Libs Hash Trash!***
If the first pig blap was not enough blap for your buck, the second pig blap was _______________ (adjective). Your hares ______________ (noun) and______________ (noun) were incredibly excited to slap you in the face once more.With free t-shirt sprays and an advertised shiggy fest, the hounds were off intothe wild unknown. The first reaction was mud. Mud, mud, mud, mud. What a messy blap! The hounds were ______________ (noun) and the mud was ______________(adjective). It consumed your feet, dragged you into the muck, and______________ (verb) your senses. Vanilla Starfish made a point of helping outonly herself in the mud encrusted trenches. Vanilla is ______________ (adjective) when it comes to helping others. Gas Light furiously roamed thetrails as if the mud was nothing more than extra cushioning for her feet. Gas Light is______________ (verb) in the mud.
The water was torrential and ______________ (adjective) due to sticks and logs. Many hashers injured themselves and gashed open legs and arms. Navel deep water my ass! Hog traps were found on trail with no live animals thank G, but enough pig blap jokes to share. We were told the terrain was pretty, we were told the terrain was wonderful, but the mud pit/pig trap/mosquito infested swamp was ______________ (adjective). The hares were going to drink for that one!
As if the muddy pit wasn’t enough to effectively pig blap all the hounds, the last measure of the run included a steep climb up and over a hill and the realization that the run was point A to point A! ______________ (expletive)! Grind Slut showed us his ______________ (adjective) banana car and McPisser spray painted Ass Grabber’s perfectly formed body. Hope you like to shower in turpentine! The groups of hounds had large gaps of time between each no doubt due to the______________ (noun). Finally, after many delicious beers, the circle began.
Over the phone we ______________ (adjective) Monique and Monee, catching the later (or the former?) off guard driving around town. They were forever known as Blow Hole and Whale Tail, with an effective “Old MacDonald” finish to bring them both home. Cuntbelievable! Insane Clown Pussy (later to be called La Situacion) was recognized for his naming at the Brass Monkey, and his ______________ (noun). Finally, after much ______________(verb), Snatch’s friend gained the name Cum On My Back for a notorious Wu Tang shirt he was wearing. The pack was dismissed to quite possibly, the coolest On-On-On of all time, where a beer chandelier hung like a ______________ (noun) in the sky.
Great run, ______________ (adjective), blaps, and a delightful On-On-On. Keep up the good work you ______________ (plural expletive).
Blap – blap
– EZ to Please