>Run 1029, on September 29, 1998, was the Reservoir End Equinox Hash

Hared by Guy, Thanks for the Mammaries, and Testicles.


A blistering hot

afternoon greeted about 54 hashers, who congregated in the Sam's Club

parking lot at Highway 6 and I-10. The hares sold 35 t-shirts, which

depicted original art with a running condom man carrying a sun and moon.

The pack was off on an abandoned railroad trestle (a little joke by

Testicles, in remembrance of the Throw Mama from the Train run in July).

Then it headed east to a park-n-ride lot, where a solitary check in the

middle of the spacious lot held up the pack until someone found trail

under an underpass.....

[This was a very good check. As I recall the FRB's unknowingly shortcutted

this check finding trail coming off the check, running it backwards and

eventually finding the check in the Metro lot; then they were really

confused. Almost everyone caught up before it was solved. --Limp Noodle]

....., then looping back around to the west, passing the starting point

after a 1-mile warmup loop. Trail led west, meandering past surburban

office buildings...

[The teasing Hare's got cute here and laid a "BN" along a sidewalk followed

by "NOT" at the end of the block. --Limp Noodle]

.., through new apartment construction, and up on to the dam, where a

giant happy face announced the split of a turkey-eagle trail. The turkey

trail was long but paved, heading west along the dam and into the reservoir

park, then east along the bike path to the on on at the park on Grosche.

The eagle trail ran over the dam and into some of the densest shiggy found

in Houston. Grind Slut proclaimed it the best shiggy he'd seen all year...

[Yes indeed, Grind was quite impressed as was I. I was running with Grind

as we headed straight into the shiggy. As we got deeper into it Grind

exclaimed, "man were going pretty deep into this stuff". I think that

statement coming from the grandmaster of shiggy says a lot about the

quality of the shiggy on this run. In fact, Grind chose not to do the

extra loop of shiggy at the end; I think he had had enough. --Limp Noodle]

... Hashers had to crawl at many points, and had to swim a 10' deep (but

narrow) bayou. The mosquitoes rose like clouds, their noise blocking out

any sound...

[Thick packs of mosquitoes were drafting in between the hounds as we

cruised through the shiggy. We could really see them when light would

filter through the canopy. When we came across a bayou we would submerse

ourselves in it and when we came up all those skeeters were hovering right

above our heads. Ya had to keep moving or they would tear ya up. --LN]

.. Then, suddenly, the pack burst out of the forest into the park, where

a hose, music, good beer, and good food greeted them. The turkey trailers

groused about the length of their trail (7.2 miles), but the hares made it

as short as they could, while still preserving its suitability for bikes

and strollers. Like most painful hash experiences, even those memories

turned pleasurable after a few days. The eagle trail was 5.3 miles, and

the first hashers finished in 1:10.


>Submitted by Testicles

[Additional comments by Limp Noodle]