H4 Run #1625: Erections Hash

Hares: Beats My Meat and Really? F*ck! with help from outgoing Mismanagement

The day began partly cloudy and nice, as the pack descended on scenic Friendswood, for the annual Erections hash. Our hares, Beats My Meat and Really? F*ck! laid the trail, that promised fun, and adventure. The storm clouds began rolling in just as the chalk talk started, lowering the temperature to a comfortable level. With a lengthy chalk talk over, the pack took to the trail by storm. Except for a small problem: the pack was unable to find the trail start! For better (or worse) a thunderstorm descended on us in full fury as we went back to get help on the actual start of the trail.

Whatever pack that was together at the start, quickly became fragmented. It took great effort to find the trail marks, as the flour got wet, and was kind of hard to find, when looking for it (speaking of which, I never saw any promised TP trail marks…). But like any “good” hasher, we persevered and were able to find trail, and even got the entire pack together. Continue reading