H4 Run # 1694 – The “Totally Worth the Drive” Run

Date: August 22, ed 2010

Hares: Spot on the Mat, herbal Ass Swipe, decease & Catcher in the Brown Eye (then known as Just David)

August heat…IN TEXAS?! You’ve got to be kidding us! The hares reassured all the hounds that despite the record temperatures and potential for dogs to keel over, they would offer a shady and shiggy trail on the north side. As the homage to Spot on the Mat’s locale, we began by parking alongside what the foundation of a southern super church and extremely close to your dutiful On-Sec’s old 9th grade stomping grounds. Catcher in the Brown Eye (once known as quiet “Just David”) decided to hare his first run, so Ass Wipe hoped for a good turnout amidst the debilitating heat and humidity. The advertising was ceaseless. Of course, even at the start, we were standing in the blazing heat, on a concrete street, with no shade. Good thing your trusty Mismanagement invested in some water coolers! Everyone eyed Sticky Lips’ dog nervously…it may not end well for one rambunctious Golden Labrador Retriever…but did someone say jello shots?! Screw the heat, they are pina colada flavored! Not even the 4pm start could keep away the large pack as everyone was so desperate to wear their brand new hapi coats.

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