H4 Run #1594: After The Super Tuesday Significant Event Hash

Hares: Tonka F*ck and Will He Peter

Tensions were high on the H4 yahoo group as red hashers and blue hashers battle out their electoral frustrations with words. To help everyone decompress following the events of November 4, Tonka Fuck and Will He Peter promised to lay a nice centrally-located run incorporating politically-themed sites throughout Houston.

Pack met at the Target on Taylor and I-10. Hares gave chalk talk which included a few new symbols encouraging hashers to stop and enjoy the view before them. Almost everyone knew what the first “politically-themed” location would be — David Addick’s warehouse, and his odd garden of gigantic President heads. (Incidentally, if you look at Addick’s studio on Google’s satellite view you can see a giant shadow of his Beatles statues stretched on the ground — the shadows are twice as tall as the statues themselves.

Addick’s statue was a big do-loop, bringing us right back out to Taylor, which we crossed, winding our way through one of Houston’s older neighborhoods, crossing Washington, then across a footbridge over Memorial Ave towards the Sabine Street bridge.

The Fonde Rec Center was our second political stop — it’s north-facing wall features a mural depicting George Bush Senior as well as other faces I have never taken the time to identify. So south on Sabine, with some hashers puzzling over a smudged arrow pointing directly into the bayou off the bridge. (Those hashers didn’t see the SO laid on the bridge railing — it was a scenic overlook!).

Trail continued east along the bayou towards Allen’s Landing and then turned again south near the theater district. Some crafty hashers kept heading east, then north, circumventing another do-loop through downtown, and soon found themselves at a plaza near Market Square sucking on jello shots in front of a jaunty-looking statue of Bush Sr., hand thrust into his jacket pockets. Three slurps to Will He Peter for managing to find both blue jello and red jello.

Frm the shot check trail headed back west into the neighborhood near the police inpound lot. Through the fence and over the railroad tracks, heading north into a hood that is an odd mix of new Victorian-looking townhomes and old, rotting crack houses. It was here that Snatcha and few other hashers, with Gus in tow, picked up an adorable stray dog who would not stop following us.

She followed up north towards one block and back south along the next. She followed up for a good 20 minutes when Snatcha suddenly realized we were heading in the general direction of Jefferson Davis hospital, and wasn’t there a new David Atticks installation there in tribute to Mount Rushmore?
Sure enough, the on home was just below I-45 in front of four Presidents’ heads. Tonka made a delicious chili and served up a Happy The Election is Over cake.

The Degenerate Circle began before the actual circle because WHP was forced to make a beer run (beer run!) and the natives got restless. The Hash Scorpios — FMR, L’il Pussy and Catamite — did a 69 down down menage a trois thingy that fell apart before anyone could take a picture. A neighborhood resident wandered over to find out who the hell were were, and turned out to be friendly but declined our offers for free beer.

The On On On was announced as Brewery Tap, and the celebration broke up just as the area bums began moving in to drink the last of our beer.

— All Snatcha needs is a ten and a fiver