H4 Run # 1699 – Scorpio Hash

Date: Sunday October 31, 2010
Hares: Geek, Little Pussy, FMR, Manstruation

The Tasty New Boots

It was beautiful weather for hashing today; temperatures were in the 80’s and there was no sign of rain (the weather phenomena, not the harriette). Around 40 hashers made the long trip to Tomball area including Thanks for the Mammaries and Testicles from the Oregon area. We even had a visit from Straddle-various (sp?) from Switzerland with her rather tasty new shoes. Yum!

Hooter being ridiculous.

The trail was less challenging than the directions were to get there. Trail started at the Office Depot (which was a challenge to get to in itself), and took off to the woods behind Office Depot. Trail went in and out of woods, and was 4-5 miles long and had a variety of mid-leg depth swamp, waist deep water crossings, with copious amounts of sand and lots of dry shiggy. After crossing under 249, we found a dry creek bed, which was challenging and several hashers tripped on the hidden roots. Horsefli did a good job of scaring the two donkeys (you had to be there), as did Spin Cycle with encouraging the donkeys to express themselves, so to speak. This trail was so well laid that Heartache was the FRB.

Several hashers, i.e., Roller Balls, Roll Model, and Pound Puppy among others, arrived late but still ran it, and Cop-R-Head at least made it to the circle. Geek graced us with his stash of St. Arnold’s best

Artistic shot.

beers including various Divine’s and St. Arnold’s Stout, along with a good amount of canned piss beer, much to the delight of Hooter Bill.

In the circle, Thanks for Mammaries and Testicles gave Manstruation a Humpin’ H3 shirt since they run on Wednesdays, and gave Rain Bitch a Dead Whore shirt since she’s one of the more recent OTR hares (Saturday night OTR hares weren’t at the run).

Come to the campout next week at Rosharon and have a great time! Remember Horsefli said that it will be the ballbuster trail of the year!

– Dickrectionally Challenged,
Guest Hash Trash Writer