H4 1722 – Pisces Run

H4 1722 Pisces


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McP = red

Heartache = black

Dumpster = Purple

Roller = dark blue

Krusty = neon green

Snatch = light pink

CSI = Green

Rancid Ahole = Shit Green

Horsefli = White

PP = Light Blue

Hooter = Orange

Vote For Pedro = Yellow

Catcher = Gray

Vaguerant = Maroon

Infested = Neon Pink



Pisces Run


5 hares

63 hounds, find including 2 virgins

Two kegs of beer! That will bring the hashers out.  The Pisces run was sure to be a success with two kegs of beer and five very distinguished hares.  Many reboots came out to celebrate the birthdays with the hares.

The pack gathered up in a parking lot on the southwest side of town, unhealthy near Stafford actually. There was plenty of parking and lots of happy hashers, ready for a four mile trail, birthday cake and lots of yummy beer.

Tiny Bubbles gave chalk talk and showed the marks for the trails. She told us that a true walkers trail was laid with “W”’s and checks.  All marks would be in flour.

The pack took off and trail began with some flat terrain. We ran down some streets, across fields, and near schools. We hashed in construction areas and through subdivision streets. I stayed close to Cream on my back, New boot Melissa, Barbie, EZ Fag and his new boot. We tried to place ourselves so that at least one of us could see the pack.  That worked great through most of the trail.

Hmmmm, the hares advertised a beer check.? We had been out over an hour and still had not seen a beer check. We did not short cut, was there a problem?

At one point, there came enough distance between us and the pack that we had to start solving all of the checks.

Trail continued, with a tricky spot where trail led through a rocky construction area, then through a muddy field.  It continued to a housing area. We were surprised when we happened upon the Walkers trail, but even more curious that the W was upside down. Were we going backwards on trail?

We came upon a strange mark with two “X”, but it looked like part was missing. Did someone kick the check? Was it marked out?  After some searching, we came up on other hashers that were puzzled also. Pull the plug, Dumpster Digger and Dickrectionally Challenged had spent some time wandering around look for trail. Now out almost two hours on trail, we knew that there was a problem. Did we take a wrong turn? Solve a check wrong?

It was said that McPisser decided to go backwards on the walkers trail to go back to the cars. Luckily, while going back to look for the new boots, he came upon the group of us and gave us a ride also.  At the end, a beautiful A to A prime, we found out that many hashers had to have a car back to the start/end. After being on trail a little over two hours, we knew we had some kind of issue.  Many other hashers also had to be picked up. But where did we go wrong? Hashers spoke of 7 to 8 miles on their GPS.  One hasher that did not get a car back and ran full trail talked of a 9 mile course on his GPS. I am sure that the hares will pay!

Two kegs of beer at the end, and all sins are forgotten and forgiven. The beer was a nice selection of light beer and Shiner. The hares offered regular hash food, as well as a birthday cake.

The five hares were called in circle first, and again many times. Birthdays were honored. New boots were called in circle. New boot Melissa was also called in for a special Down Down for helping us with a location to hold the Houston campout. Her family is “hash friendly” and has property that is prime for a campout.

Tender Vittles was called in the circle for the huge grin on his face. Why? Because he figured out that he has competition for worst /longest/most F*cked Up’ed trail of the year! Somehow, I don’t think that the hares cared. They provided up beer, that makes everything alright. And as always in the hash, if we chose to complain, then we need to be ready to step up and hare the next trail. All is silent now.

Thong Long Gone gave a special show for the guys. Swinging Tits seems to be the song that most appropriately describes her performance. The male hashers were very happy.

A group of hashers were called in that had just completed 3 days of hashing; Friday’s Full moon, Saturday’s Brass Monkey, and the long, long trail from this hash.

The on-on-on was advertised as being at the bar on the other side of the building. How nice of the hares! The bar had a pool hall area with beer specials and a place for a chess tournament. Perfect.

On-on to Vagrant’s Birthday Run

Old Faithful