Ass Swipe and Susanna

Hares: Asswipe and Susanna (Soon to become Death Cab for Bootie)

This run could be broken into two camps; Finished without incident or fucked by a train. I doubt anyone was in the former. I know I was fucked by so many trains that day I felt I needed to donate to the conductor retirement fund. Daddy?

The trail ended in what could best described as junkie death cult head quarters. Is that a syringe? Do I see feces? Hey, look over there, it’s placenta! I can’t imagine what heinous things have took place on that unholy parcel of land but I’m guessing an intervention wasn’t one of them.

All told, I hated both of you more and more with every step I took on the run but now that’s water under the disease infested bridge. Although I was so happy that PI was the only thing I caught that run!