Date: Sunday September 19, 2010
Hares: McPisser and Grind Slut
Quote of the Run: “Just spray it on me”
***Mad Libs Hash Trash!***
If the first pig blap was not enough blap for your buck, the second pig blap was _______________ (adjective). Your hares ______________ (noun) and______________ (noun) were incredibly excited to slap you in the face once more.With free t-shirt sprays and an advertised shiggy fest, the hounds were off intothe wild unknown. The first reaction was mud. Mud, mud, mud, mud. What a messy blap! The hounds were ______________ (noun) and the mud was ______________(adjective). It consumed your feet, dragged you into the muck, and______________ (verb) your senses. Vanilla Starfish made a point of helping outonly herself in the mud encrusted trenches. Vanilla is ______________ (adjective) when it comes to helping others. Gas Light furiously roamed thetrails as if the mud was nothing more than extra cushioning for her feet. Gas Light is______________ (verb) in the mud.