H4 Run #1586: Post Ike Hash

Hares: Franjipani, Sweat Licker

McPisser’s Mad Libs-style Hash Trash:

(write down your answers for the following words and then insert the words you wrote into the parathesis below)

Random #
Favorite Bar

The Hares announced to the world in Houston that the trail would be laid at 3 p.m. near the intersection of Wilcrest & I-10. Incredibly, the hash actually started at (insert time). The trail was great, turning this way and that.

That one check near the bayou was really hard. I personally clocked it at (insert random number) miles, but Heartache said it was 6 or so. The pack seemed to think that the trail was (insert adjective). Everyone made it in ok – and surprisingly Geek was DFL, but (insert hasher) was a close second.
The RA did an admiral job RA’ing despite the pool ending on what turned out to be a glorious day. I can’t believe that (insert hasher) threw a (insert noun) into the pool! What a (insert profanity)!

Well, I think that we showed our (insert number) visitors and (insert another number) newboots a great time. Oh, I almost forgot – the best news of the day is that (insert Harriette) announced that she had conceived a Hurricane baby and if it is a boy his name will be Ian.

The party broke up and we all went to (insert favorite bar). All in all it was a pretty (insert adjective) time.

— McPisser, (with help from Closet Queen, Stuck on the Bone, Rubbin, and of course Giggles who are still hunkering down)


Hooter Bill’s Hooter-style Hash Trash:

Dodging debris and downed power lines from Huricane Ike, Hooter arrived at the abandoned T.J. Max on Memorial Drive near Wilcrest for the start of the Houston H3 on Sunday Sep 14. Hares Frangipani, Sweat Licker, and Parson’s Nose gave the pack a good trail.

Geek and Hooter jogged the trail in close to two hours. The rest of the pack did it faster. Trail ended at the swimming pool in the backyard of the house where Frangipani and Sweat Licker live, near the Kirkwood bridge over Buffalo Bayou.

Pipes led the circle. Hares did down downs. It was Frangipani’s birthday. Hares gave us a keg of beer and a choice of vegetarian or meatatarian Russian “perogies” (dumplings), and lasagne.
Hooter and others finally parted after the 9 pm curfew, around 10 pm, for the drive back along a deserted I-10 freeway.

Hashers included Lorna Doones, Geek, Lube Job, Hooter Bill, Pull the Plug, Hind Legs, PP & Holden, Juices Flowing, Little Boy Blew, Pipes, and showing up by car for the on on: Roll Model, Pound Puppy, Little Pink Thang (sp ??).

— Signed, Hooter Bill