H4 Run #1675: Pirate Hash

Hared by virgin hare Dee-dee-Dee, Little Boy Blew and Old Faithful (Miss Faithful if you’re nasty)

Ahoy, maties!  Hashers came from near and far to celebrate the Parate Hash in west Houston.  Miss Faithful hashes always seem to bring out the masses. 

Little Boy Blew gave the chalk talk, explaining the standard markings and the trail’s turkey/eagle split.  Prizes were promised to the best booty found on trail.  

Although I walked this week with the peg-legged BM2, we were still able to experience most of the true turkey trail.  Walkers were instructed to short cut and pick up trail past the 9th grade school. 

All I know about the eagle trail is that it was longer and full of shiggy.  Even the fastest runners took a while to get to the on-in.

The ending was at an office complex, and directly behind a church who held their Sunday evening services there.  How appropriate.  A delicious keg of cold St. Arnolds was waiting for us, along with the usual hash snacks.

The hares received a double acknowledgement for their trail (it sucked… it really sucked), but I was terribly disappointed that Dee-dee-Dee did not get floured on this momentus deflouring occasion.  Did they not want to embarrass him in front of his beautiful family?  Is he allergic to flour? 

Best booty found on trail was given to a new boot (Rear Layer’s nephew?) who found a delightful pair of Spongebob Square Pants boxers on trail with the vilest skid mark in them.  A valiant effort was given by new boot Meg, who found a whole host of things on trail, so she was awarded for the best pirate costume.  Congrats to both of you!

The on-in was at Texas Borders.  I had a Corona Light for the first time, and it was quite refreshing.  <whistling and uncomfortable silence…>

Hope everyone had a good time!  Great hashing day, hares!  Miss Faithful always puts on a good show!  On-on to her body painting us and haring the nekkid hash!!!

And on-on to Thursday’s Pre-Lube Pub Crawl and the H4 Spring Campout!!!!!

Your sincere, passionate, and totally human scribe,
Really? F*#K!!!