Gassy, Cheesy,Grindy Run(Or Purple does Brown) Trash & Map

PP = Black
Heartache = Red
Click red thing to enlarge Map
H4 1708 CheezGaSlut

Hash #1708

Hares: Gaslight, allergy Ho Cheese Man and Grindslut

Hounds: 57 regular hashers

New Boots: 3 virgins

The pack gathered up on the east side of town for a 3:00 pm start. Herman Brown Park was a great place to start a hash. Knowing who the hares were, medic we anticipated it to be a longer run.  At the start, we saw construction workers all around. Working on a Sunday? Hashing is much better!

The hares told us that the trail was marked in flour. They also told us to avoid the construction workers.  The pack took off and it did not take us long to find some wooded areas.  There was plenty of shiggy to be found.  We ran through woods with floors of pine needles, fields of grass and shiggy areas filled with vines and thorns.

From time to time, we came upon easements with workers present.  But we were good hashers and stayed far from those workers, no need to draw attention to us. Hashers never like attention. Thanks to the hares for warning us.

The part of the pack that I was with got stumped with a check on the bank of a small stream. Yep, instead of going across the stream and onto flat ground, we went along the stream for a while, before going out of the woods. Luckily we were able to solve that check, but soon after came upon another check that was even harder to solve. It was along a ravine and under a bridge. We checked over and under the bridge, went into the subdivision, looked on both side of the water, and even asked the locals for help.  They stopped their outdoor billiard game to talk to us but no luck!  Finally, after much searching, we found the trail going back into the woods.

It was pretty fun and cute to hear Mammories of a Geisha call her “on-on”. It was like a little bird chirping in the woods. Two of Mammories friends were hashing with her and they really helped to solve the trail.  They were not shy to range and explore. (Every hasher’s dream!)

We also came across bike trails from time to time. One of my favorite checks was on an overlook that the wood floor had been burned. Though sad, it was interesting. Thanks for sharing the beautiful park area with us, hares.

Not long after the check on the overlook, we came upon a check that looked very familiar.  Vague-Rant and Roy Orifice both swore that we had passed that check before. We still looked around, but agreed that we had been there before. Now what were we to do?

We were starting to get concerned as it was an overcast day and wondered if it would get dark on us. How much more trail was there left to solve? Luckily we found trail, but not too soon. Loofah and Asswipe were both coming back to save us! Our pack was relieved to hear that we were only about a quarter mile from the end.

Once we reached the end, circle had already started. The beer was a keg of yummy St. Arnold Elissa.  As we changed clothes and got a beer, circle continued. The ending was at part of new construction. It offered good parking, areas to stand out of grass, but still a few mosquitoes around.

Hares were brought in for their usual crimes, and circle was a nice round of battering.

Dangleberry brought a friend down from Dallas to come hash with us. Dangle was hoping to have him named, but the hash was fickle that day.  None of the names that were suggested was able to stick.

Vague-rant happily handed over hash shit to Loofah. This came after he announced his addition to the hash shit; a handy carrying handle.

The keg ran dry, so it was time to move on. The hares first choice for on-on –on was closed, so they chose one of the Hash’s favorite bars, the Flying Saucer.

On-on to next week’s run.

Respectfully submitted,

Old Faithful