Hash #1744 – Say Car Ramrod (or Get Your Window Rammed with a Rod Hash)

H4 1744 7.10 Say Car Ramrod


Hares:  Ramrod and Tender Vittles (again)

Let’s go back a couple of days.  July 10, discount 2011.  4 pm.  Townwood Park.  Everything seems normal.  Hash cash is paid, hashers are stretching, drinking, voting and talking.  The pack is milling about waiting for the hares, Tender Vittles and Ramrod, to announce chalk talk.   Little did they know, there is someone else.  Someone else is waiting for the hounds to take off.  Someone else is hanging around….


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Hash #1743 – American Revolution 2011: The Battle of Misery City

Hares: McPisser & Tender Vittles

So there we were; it was 4pm, shop pills at Kitty Hollow Park, bronchi in 1000 degree heat, in the middle of Missouri City and what were we doing?  Getting ready to run!  The hares, Tender Vittles and McPisser, promised two kegs of beer, an American and European trail and “virgin” territory.

But something wasn’t right.  There was only one hare!  Then there it was, the sound of squealing tires and an engine being pushed to the limit.  Tender Vittles came roaring through the parking lot, leapt from his car Continue reading

Misery City Hash

Hares: McPisser and Tender Vittles

I really liked this hash. It pissed me off to no end and there was ants at the circle. Plus TV and McP laid a trail that circle jerked a couple times. Which reminds me of a time back in the 90s. My friends and I were sitting around with a bag of cookies when someone said ‘Hey, I’ve got an idea.’

Long story short I ended up in my neighbors tree watching the hockey game on a portable TV. At was at this time I thought ‘I really need to rethink taking any kind of drug a friend gives me. Also, I need new friends.’

Horse-Cycle Hash

Hares: Horse-Fli Drive-by, Spin Cycle

The thing about Horse and Spin if you’re not careful you may end up with them fucking on top of you if you’re not careful.

At last year’s InterHash I was nearly fucked on by these two ‘perfect race’ hashers and honestly I’m pretty sure I would have been ok with it in the long run. That night I wasn’t into it. It seemed like the safety committee met a lot that night, we had so many safety meetings I could have prevented the BP oil spill. I was alone, in my hammock dreaming of playing shuffleboard with Salma Hayek on the deck of my big yacht and by playing shuffleboard I mean hiding my dingus in her who-ha. Where was I? Oh yeah, the fuck twins. So there I was in hammocks up to here when I hear some shuffling of a drunken couple ‘It’s just over here. Ok, be quiet.’ The cocoon of my hammock flung open to looks of surprise from HFDB & Spin. I could hear HFDB’s nut slink into his stomach as he walked away dejected. The next day I swear I saw HFDB carrying a bed post around with the amount of places these two fucked. Put it this way, if you weren’t almost fucked on then you were doing it wrong.

Anyhoo, this trail probably had sex remnants on it from scouting, live haring and post run coitus. I’m saying they fuck a lot.